Insomnia Again

Man, third night in a row of this. Granted, the reflux doesn’t help (I like a spicy tomato sauce, but it sure doesn’t like me).

And naturally I have a ton of stuff to do at work tomorrow. I guess I’ll do it in a half-awake state…

7 thoughts on “Insomnia Again

  1. animist

    I have been taking Melatonin for my insomnia. I have been working 10 or more hours a day on average, and tend to be keyed up in the evenings and find it hard to relax – especially on those days I leave at 6:30 am, and get home at 8pm. Melatonindoes seem to help me reset my internal clock and sleep at night, otherwise my body seems to want a 28 hour day to try to squeeze everything in. 5:30 am comes awful early!

  2. mitziemu

    I’m sorry for the insomnia….had it a while back and it really does suck…I just had to learn my division and multiplication tables at that point. But I feel your pain for being up most of the night…4 hours of sleep + woken up by family dog =’s not getting back to sleep…Weeee!!! But it’s almost the weekend…just be careful with all the wacky Chi-town weather.

  3. kellic

    One word…..prevacid

    I’ve had AR for year and this stuff is god like. That and I built a wedge for under the head of my bed to elevate my head and upper body just a bit. Its worked wonders.

    1. woofwoofarf Post author

      The sad thing is I’m on a daily maintenance dose of Protonix for GERD. The problem is, certain things spike acid production for me – tomato sauces, for one, and more than three drinks (beer/wine). If I can stay up long enough, it’s not a problem, but with the last few nights’ insomnia, I went to bed early and…there ya go.

      Usually it’s not a problem, and I do keep some Rolaids on my nightstand for immediate relief. But sometimes the only thing to to is to get up, let the Rolaids take effect, and drink some milk to try to get the nasty bile taste out of my mouth. My doctor agrees with me, though: it’s a case of “Doctor, it hurts when I punch myself in the face!” The problem is purely self-inflcted, unfortunately.

  4. hickbear

    I’ve learned thru hard, hard experience that if I’m going to be anywhere near a spicy tomato sauce, then I’ll be pre-loading my system with Tagamet or some sort of generic cimetidine (neither “Pepcid” nor “Zantac” do diddly-shit for me) and will have a supply of generic “Gaviscon” on hand for later.

    Well, not so much that I’ve learned. It’s more that has learned to nag, er, remind me about taking my Tagamet before we eat any type of Big Spicy Meal. :-}}}}

    And on the insomnia – like said, Melatonin Is Your Friend. Bryon takes 2-3 of these by Puritan’s Pride each night; I’ll take 1-2 occasionally as I think I need an extra “nudge” into HappySleepyLand. The best part is that they’re orderable online and (at least, for us) have always showed up in a week or less.

    1. woofwoofarf Post author

      As I mention in a reply I just wrote, I’m actually on Protonix for GERD (which is of course the expensive, non-generic stuff – Prevacid or generic omeprazole don’t work for me at all, so that’s about a hundred bucks every three months for me).

      The insomnia is mainly due to work and con stress, I think. There’s a few things that got resolved this week, so I think things should definitely improve. The next time I see my doctor I will definitely ask her about the melatonin, though – it’s always good to have a backup plan 🙂

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