Fun LJ Stuff

Found this over in the ever-entertaining lj_nifty community…

Ever wondered how many people are on LiveJournal? Geographic distribution? Age distribution? Well, there’s a way to find out.

Let’s see…at age 34 that means that, uh, 96.93% of LiveJournal users are younger than me. Well, that’s depressing.

Caveat (added at 16:30 EDT): I note that if you add up the numbers listed for each age and compare that to the total number of users, you’ll find that only roughly 50% of the users have reported their age. You could say that the graph shows a representitive sample, but I’ll be optimistic and say it’s a self-selecting sample and therefore statistically invalid. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it ๐Ÿ˜‰

3 thoughts on “Fun LJ Stuff

  1. typographer

    Look who’s talking, ya whippersnapper!
    I find it comforting to remind myself that the average age is so young. I sometimes get worried because so many of the users seem to be chronically depressed and always being upset over really silly, inconsequential things…
    …and then I remember that people of a certain age are always like that, and I feel less worried.

  2. linnaeus

    I support your caveat. I think that as people get older they are less likely to broadcast their age in when asked, so those who entered a birthdate are skewed toward the young pups. Either that or we grow absentminded in our old age and forget to fill that piece of information in. ๐Ÿ™‚

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